I have been forgetting my dreams. I have been screwed up myself for a while.
And today, I watched the movie, "Ready Player One".
That movie woke me up.
It reminds me of what motivated me to study abroad and what my ultimate goal. My dream is to develop a next generation virtual reality which people can directly dive into with their all five senses. The technology present on the movie was slightly different from what I imagine, but every scene entertained me because I felt like "this is what I wanna do!"
I was too much focusing on what I need to do for now, but I realized I need to focus on what I want to do. This is kind of a dilemma because what we need to do comes from what I wanna do. I want to build the huge virtual world, but to do so, I need to go to great graduate schools or med schools, and I need a good GPA, great summer internship, and research experiences. I confuse myself because of this tons of what I need to do. The movie woke me up to return to what I want to do.
I learned that the bigger viewpoint is also very much important in college life. Since I came to American school here in Shanghai, I had been working hard to catch up with coursework and dealing with language barrier (improving my English), and thanks to me last semester hardworking, I totally got used the lives. However I missed my goal. I just looked up my coursework and small stuff to do for my future career.
Especially, I was exhausted by the preparation for the research project during this summer, but now I look forward to my dream. This is just the beginning of my career. This is just the checkpoint of my career path. So I encourage you to keep looking bigger scale and hope we all succeed in our careers:)
(I am so sorry for saying same things in these small paragraphs because I am writing this at 1am but I wanted to mention that point.)
See you all!
英語の方と内容は被りますが、最近何に対してもやる気が起きずやるせなくなっていたところ、Ready Player Oneという映画を昨日見たことによって、やる気がみなぎってきた、というお話です。